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Our Sonographers

Our Sonographers at Expectancy Scanning Studios are also midwives which means we fully understand your pregnancy journey. With a combined experience of 91 years, there is nothing our specialist sonographer team hasn’t seen.

Feel free to ask us any questions throughout your appointment and be rest assured that you are in safe hands. 

Amanda Bastianelli Midwife Sonographer Expectancy Scanning Studios

Amanda Bastianelli Dip HE Midwifery / PGC Medical Ultrasound (Obs/Gynae)

Midwife Sonographer, Early Gender Specialist & Managing Director

Experience: 25 Years (NHS & Private Practice)

Special Interest: Early Pregnancy & Fertility

Why I became a Midwife Sonographer: I have always had a special interest in Early Pregnancy, Fertility and the prevention of baby loss. I became a midwife because I wanted to be a part of the privileged journey that parents to be embark upon. Becoming a Sonographer also meant that I could offer continuous support throughout. 

What I love about working at Expectancy: I enjoy the opportunity to see a wide range of families and to be able to support them in times of need as well as times of joy. I love working with such a wonderful and professional team who I love and feel very proud to work with.

Interesting Fact About Me: I have hyper mobility and my thumbs bend awkwardly backwards!

Ashleigh Harris Midwife Sonographer Expectancy Scanning Studios

Ashleigh Harris BSC Midwifery / PGC Obstetric Ultrasound

Midwife Sonographer

Experience: 12 Years (NHS & Private Practice)

Special Interest: Fetal Medicine

Why I became a Midwife Sonographer: I’ve always been passionate for taking care of people and the inspiration for this career happened when I was much younger. A visit to the Human Body Exhibition at the Millennium Dome (now known as the O2) instantly sparked my fascination with how our body works. I was drawn to Midwifery because I could combine both my passions into something I could do everyday and help women and their families. 

What I love about working at Expectancy: I love working at Expectancy as it feels like family. This is a home from home. I feel very privileged that I can look after all the lovely families within such a peaceful, tranquil space. 

Interesting Fact About Me: I am a Harry Potter nerd!


Charlotte Knapp Midwife Sonographer Expectancy Scanning Studios

Charlotte Knapp BSC Midwifery / Obs Ultrasound Fellow L7

Midwife Sonographer

Experience: 14 Years (NHS, Private Practice & Charity)

Special Interest: Fetal Medicine

Why I became a Midwife Sonographer: When I was in hospital with my son as a first time, teenage, single mother. I found the care I received then to be very bullish and I felt judged for being a young and single parent. I wanted to be the change, so when I started my journey to Midwifery with two children and a husband in tow, it was the best decision we ever made, as a family! I have now worked as a Midwife in a hospital setting, specialised in perinatal mental health and worked for a local charity where I scanned 1st and 2nd trimester pregnancies. 

What I love about working at Expectancy: I love working here as I can dedicate my skills to celebrating pregnancy with families. It is a privilege to be a part of that first confirmation that the pregnancy is ‘real’, where families can meet their little one for the first time on screen. 

Interesting Fact About Me: The first baby I ever delivered would be 12 years old by now!

Mandy Bewirke Midwife Sonographer Expectancy Scanning Studios

Mandy Bewicke PGDip Clinical Ultrasound Gen Med, Obs / Gynae, small parts

Clinical Sonographer

Experience: 20 Years NHS & Private Practice

Special Interest: Gynaecology

Why I became a Midwife Sonographer: I was a radiographer for many years prior to this, qualifying initially as a radiographer in 1987. I’ve always had a deep interest in ultrasound as it allowed for seeing the whole picture, being involved in the outcome and providing a unique service to the gynaecology and medical team that works well alongside other modalities such as CT and MRI. 

What I love about working at Expectancy:  I love working at Expectancy as we work as a team  and always give each other fantastic support. I also enjoy seeing a wide variety of clients, from fertility through to 3D and the equipment we get to work with is second to none!

Interesting Fact About Me: I have five Jack Russells and built a camper van during lockdown from scratch!

Rose Blondrage Midwife Sonographer Expectancy Scanning Studios

Rose Blondrage BSC Midwifery / PGC Early Pregnancy & Gynae. L7 3rd Trimester US

Midwife Sonographer

Experience: 20 Years NHS & Private Practice

Special Interest: Early Pregnancy

Why I became a Midwife Sonographer: I have always had a keen interest in antenatal care and spent several years as a community midwife. I started sonography 10 years ago whilst working as a Fetal Medicine Midwife and now specialise in early pregnancy and emergency gynaecology sononography. 

What I love about working at Expectancy: I love the location! It’s such a beautiful, calming environment to work in. Its a privilege meeting families at such an exciting time of their lives and then following their journey, seeing their baby and ensuring these babies are growing well until the final scan. I especially love seeing the before and after photos!

Interesting Fact About Me: I had home births with both of my daughters and I delivered two of my grandsons – one of them at home and one in a low risk birthing unit. 



Expectancy Scanning Studios TM Ltd 
 Unit 1, Grove Dairy Farm Business Centre, Bobbing Hill, Nr Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8NY | t: 07803 829277

e: contact@expectancyscanningstudios.co.uk

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